
Monday, January 21, 2008

Craig's List

If you haven't yet discovered Craig's List you really should! This is the best website for finding things you need when you don't want to pay full price! This weekend I sold a fountain and a dryer- both were taking up space in the garage. Hey- it is $ for my treadmill! We have bought and sold many things on Craig's List over the past two years and it has been a real blessing. We have found gently used or brand new things we were in need of- for a fraction of the cost. So check it out if you haven't already. It is free! It is one of our favorite things. Just be careful- as always when you are using the internet and it deals w/ $- cash only with this one- and make sure you are safe when making transactions- I always have my husband home if I am selling something someone wants to come see. Anyway- it is one great little gem! We love Craig's List and have saved and made lots of $ with it! Happy Bargain Shopping!

1 comment:

  1. Fun new blog! We love craig's list too. I have bought many baby items through it. We sold our futon so easily. It's the best!


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