
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Favorites of the Day

I love my husband- and I love him more when he does the dishes (which is often).
I love this drink and I just can't seem to break the habit.
I love this cookbook my husband got me for Christmas and I love the muffins he made from it. We have been doing this thing (adding F&V) to our child's food for quite a while- as we have a picky eater, but the recipes in this book are very tasty.


  1. this is a good blog to read. thanks for sharing! I love really can change your life. I keep a book of gratitude quotes and whenever i am feeling ungrateful, i pull it out and it helps me along!

  2. I have heard of this book and I, too, was somewhat drawn to it. Maybe I could look at it sometime and see if it is something I would use?


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