
Saturday, March 8, 2008

the arts and crafty tag thingy

This tag was from my friend Erin. Although I don't always do these tag thingys, I am doing this one.
1. Who inspires you? It depends on what kind of "inspiration" you are talking about. My Grandma Julie, has always inspired me in many ways, my husband Aaron, my talented and crafty sisters, many other crafting friends and photography friends, my mom, - too many people to list at this time.
2. What is the first memory you have of making something arts-n-crafty? I took a tole-painting class in the community when I was around 14 and made lots of things- a blue little shelf, a lamb that was painted all pastel-y, etc.. I also stenciled my bedroom around this time. Stenciling the walls was very popular back then. To go with the room decor, I appliqued a pillow, and make some other things too. (It was all a little bit ugly - looking back- but back then it was really the style.)
3. What do you like to create? Right now I have been really into photography and trying to capture the perfect shots of my kids. I have yet to get a great camera, but we are working on that. I think of things to stitch and sew all the time, but don't have time to do them, so I usually write them down so I don't forget. Presently, my goal has been to use up all my fabric and paper before buying any more.
4. What creative process defines you as a person? HHmmm... probably something with photography. I love photos, and preserving them -(o.k. scrapbooking) . I also love writing!! I haven't done much of it lately, but I love it.
5. Which of the tools that you use is your favorite and why? Right now it is my camera. We take it everywhere. I take lots and lots of photos, but that is how I find a good one and sometimes I don't take enough to get a good one so I keep on taking more photos. :)
6. What keeps you motivated to create? It is a break from things for me.
7. If you had time, what craft would you like to learn and why? First of all I would finish all my 1/2 way done sewing projects. And then I'd take the time to learn more about Digital Scrapbooking- I have all the tools but no time to do it and learn all the fun tricks. I just need to sit down and do it.
8. What is your favorite thing to create? I love primitive stitchings and making up new ones. I love to think of the perfect gift for someone and it actually turns out cute when I am done making it.
9. Where do you get your inspirations for your projects? From everyone else and their creativity!! I don't copycat everyone exactly, but they give me inspiration and then I change it so it becomes more of my own.
10. Describe your perfect day. I would love to have a day to go to a spa- (I know I am dreaming) and eat some delicious food- that had little or no calories, go on a long run up a beautiful canyon or on a beach, and of course- take a day off from everything else and sit on a quite beach in Hawaii.
So I tag all my sisters- especially the "queen of crafty"-Sara. (but it is most likely no one will do it...oh well)

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU SHARLA! I have already edited my page about who had answered the TAG thank you for participating! :)


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