
Saturday, March 22, 2008


Being that I just got one year older-(sigh)- it has really got me thinking about where I am in my life and how I am living, etc. etc. So anyway, I took Dr. OZ's (Oprah's Dr. guy) REAL AGE QUIZ. It is totally free, and if you go to you can take the quiz and find out your real age. It will also give you tips on how you can improve your lifestyle. Without knowing my cholesterol, which I think is probably good, my real age is...(drum roll please) 31.7!! It could be even younger than that....if I make a few minor changes- like get some sleep for a change... Now if I can just look 10 Years Younger!! (ha ha- no I'm not vain-just want to look/feel healthy and youthful and not old and frumpy:)) By June, I hope to reduce my "real age" by making some healthy lifestyle changes for the better. Anyway- it was a fun quiz...I think I'll have my husband- who is 5 years younger than I- take it and see if our "real ages" are closer than we think!

1 comment:

  1. I did the "Real Age" thingy about a month ago and I was really happy. My age was 35.5 and I'm 45 - so...whose complaining. It was interesting tho wasn't it?


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