
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It's so wonderful

"It's so wonderful" is what Landon said when he completed his "arts and crafts can" today. Being in a tiny apartment has called for some serious creative play during the day when we are home. So I have been trying to do more "arts and crafts" with Landon. Art is so good for little children- it is how they learn, increase small motor skills, and solve their problems, etc. This was a formula can that Landon colored and decorated today. In the photo where he is working on it, he is actually wearing an apron that was mine as a kid- that my Grandma Julie made for me. I love that apron. Landon was so happy and pleased with himself and his work. We definitely will be doing more "arts and crafts". Now I just need some great ideas that aren't super messy!

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