
Thursday, April 10, 2008

my little guy's eye...

This is sort of a macro photo. I have two boys. This is my youngest one. If you look closely at his eye, you will see a dark line in the iris that comes from his pupil. I have one of these also, but mine is called a "keyhole". It does not effect my vision except that I can see through things- like Superman- x-ray vision.....ok just kidding. It does let more light in so my eyes are really sensitive to the light. My keyhole eye, was a birthmark. It is not genetic, as far as we know. Some people notice it and some never do. Our little boy, Tanner, almost 8 months now, has something almost the same in his eye as you can see from the photo. The interesting thing, as parents, we noticed it right off the bat. All the doctors that looked at him, not a one pointed it out or commented about it. (And Tanner had LOTS of doctors looking at him for the first few months!) I finally pointed it out to our pediatrician. It really got me thinking when not one doctor noticed it. As parents, our children are our most "treasured gems" and we notice everything about them. My cute little chubby baby boy and I have "matching eyes" and everytime I look at time, I see in his eyes, a visual reminder, that he is indeed, my son. I love my sweet baby Tanner.


  1. Interesting and cute at the same time. It's neat to see what kinds of traits get passed from one generation to the next. My grandmother, mother, aunt and cousin all have a series of 3 moles on their cheek. I am, of course, the black sheep!

  2. I totally remember that about your eye. How funny! It is so totally interesting what we noticed about our own kids that others don't. I have spent so much time looking over my little guys. It's fun when you notice unique or similar traits.


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