
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nie Nie Day (silent blog auction)

I have never met Nie Nie. Yet I feel like in some ways I know her. We both have families. We both have sisters who we love dearly. We both have children who mean the world to us. We both have a husband we adore. We both have great parents. We both grew up in the same state, Utah, and even in the same valley. We both reside in the same state now, Arizona. I have a dear friend who has her same first and last name. We both have the same religion and beliefs. I grew up flying on small planes with my grandpa and my dad. My brother is a pilot, and my husband is a helicopter pilot. Her husband had a great love of flying too. Yet that is where our similarities end. I have never met Nie Nie. I have a read a little of her life online. Yet I want to reach out and help in any way I can. I want to give her children a hug and tell them it will be O.K. I want to give her a hug and a shoulder to cry on….It may sound strange or weird to some. I think what makes me feel a connection to this woman, is love. Love of family. Love of one another.

Thursday, Tomorrow, Design Mom has declared NIE NIE day. Several 100 bloggers will be auctioning off things through their blogs. You can bid by leaving a comment. The money will be directly deposited into a paypal account in their name. The winner will receive the item. I will have a handmade vintage sheet apron, and a grab bag of vinyl lettering worth over $50 from Lettering Decor. Otherwise my sister has 2 adorable baby quilts you can bid on, and if you go to Design Mom, she should have a list of all the bloggers donating things. Please spread the word! Let's help this family! You can read more about Nie Nie on her sister's blog here.

1 comment:

please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}