
Monday, October 27, 2008

Trick or Treating- and Politics

My friend just emailed me this- so maybe you have already seen it. I find it hilarious, and I'm sure I am revealing how I feel politically-which I try not to do -on this blog....anyway, not that we will ever be rich or make over 250K because we won't but I am so not in favor of that plan/idea/proposal. You can live the life you choose by the choices you make and be responsible for every single one of them and the consequences or rewards.....I like my freedom thank you very much ....there. I said it. No more politics here.


  1. I couldn't have said that any better myself. Right with you.

  2. Wow, you've done a lot of posts lately! I can't keep up. You've been doing lots of fun things. I don't really decorate, and Ethan is sad about it. I guess I should let him make some crafts and put them around.

  3. Love It! What a simple way to put it!

  4. Phew - I'm so glad other people think the same was as I do!!! What in the world is up with that way of thinking? There's no logic to it at all.


please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}