
Saturday, November 29, 2008

25 Books of Christmas

Last year we started this tradition with our kids. I wrapped 25 Christmas stories and put them in a basket. Each day we unwrapped one book and read that book and added it to our Christmas story basket. (I keep a basket of books for the kids to read on the floor in the family room and change the books every month.) We also wrapped a few Christmas videos- like Mickey's Christmas Carol, The Grinch who Stole Christmas, etc. My husband even surprised me by getting me a Christmas CD I wanted, and putting it in the basket. (I told him that is a new tradition also :)) . Here are a few tips if you want to start doing this in your own family.
*Check out library books if you don't have very many Christmas books
*If your local library has a discarded book sale- find out when that is. You can get some amazing deals! This year I got the cartoon VHS version of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas for 25 cents!
*Bookorders! If your child brings home bookorders from school- look for the Christmas books! (that is where most of mine came from).
There are several ideas to add to this- One on The Crafty Crow where she adds a craft/activity to go with each book- super fun for older kids!
Blissful Kids has some more on this idea too!
Have fun and Happy Holidays!


  1. Your kids gotta love you! Happy reading. :)

  2. I do the same thing. Actually, I'm just procrastinating wrapping up our books right now!

  3. I saw this in Family Fun last year and am trying it this year. I have all the books ready to go. I love the video idea also. Thanks!

  4. We are doing that with the 12 days of Christmas.

  5. Love this idea! And I love that not everything is new, just exciting because it's wrapped. I definitely want to do this. Maybe I'll do it for the twelve days of Christmas like Michelle. That will give me some time to round up my supplies.

    PS- Could your husband be any sweeter? I love that he threw his own surprise in for you!

  6. What a fun tradition. We always purchase a new book and read it on Christmas Eve.

    We have a 24 Days of Christmas book that has a story, a scripture, and a song for each day. My kids love it.


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