
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Giving the Gift of Life

I just watched this news story about a friend of mine who lost her son some years ago. I already knew this story, but seeing it and hearing it again brought tears to my eyes so I thought I would share it with you. God works in mysterious ways, and His ways are not always our ways. He is a God of miracles, as this story tells.


  1. Thanks for sharing. Life, Death puts everything into perspective. :)

  2. Thank you for sharing this story. When I was 27 I received the gift of life from the family of a 56 year old woman who I know nothing about. My liver transplant was a great success and now, nine years later life continues to be a gift as I enjoy it with my wonderful husband and precious baby girl. I have never met the family of my donor. They will never know the extent to which they have blessed me and my family. Thanks for sharing this donation story and raising awareness.


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