
Thursday, November 20, 2008

More Crafty Crow Goodness

It's always fun when you wake up and check your google reader and see that The Crafty Crow- has picked one of your posts to be featured! Thanks Cassie! This post was featured today, Sticker Turkey Art with some totally cute and amazing ideas for doing turkey art with your little turkeys.I especially love the turkeys made from recycled cereal boxes. There seems to be no end in site when it comes to art with your kids! Go take a look. I'm sure you will find something fun to create with your kids, no matter what age they may be! Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Thanks for the link and congrats!!! I love to be crafty but don't have the brains for it until I see it...thanks for letting us non-crafty types "borrow" all of your ideas! Glad to have found the link.

  2. What fun! I found you via crafty crow. I love, love, LOVE your advent calendars! They're so cute!


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