
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Easy and Amazing Saltine Toffee

Here is the amazing toffee recipe I got from my amazing sister! It is so yummy and so so easy. It takes less than 20 minutes to make! I am not a big candy maker, but I am a big toffee lover- and this stuff is really really good :)

Saltine Crackers
1 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 pkg. milk chocolate chips (I like to mix this w/ half of semi-sweet)
chopped nuts- such as walnuts or pecans (we use pecans)
Preheat oven to 350. Line cookie sheet with foil. Lay out saltine crackers evenly on foil. Boil butter and brown sugar in a saucepan until hard for 2 minutes. I stir mine when it is boiling.

Pour evenly over saltine crackers when done. Bake for 5 minutes or until bubbling. Remove from oven and pour chocolate chips on top. As they melt, spread evenly and sprinkle with nuts. We only put nuts on 1/2 of it.

When completely cool, break into pieces. To cool, place in fridge, or freezer, or outside, if it is cold where you live. It must be completely cool.
Enjoy and try not to eat the whole pan :)

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