
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Candy Bubble Necklace

These candy leis, are always fun to make. We call them "bubble necklaces". "You could put anything in them, love notes, small toys, etc. We used conversation hearts, smarties, and chocolate!
You will need, scissors, plastic wrap, candies-or whatever you decide to put in them, and curling ribbon.

Lay out the plastic wrap. You will need more than you think. Lay the candy out in small amounts spaced evenly along the plastic wrap. Fold one side over, and then the other side, generously overlapping the plastic wrap. Twist each section shut before you tie with curling ribbon.

Twist the ends together and tie together. There you have a bubble necklace! These are fun to do for class parties, birthday parties, or for a family celebration or activity. Have fun!


  1. You made that little guy happy! What a treat! :)

  2. So cute!! Thanks for sharing! I see these being made for my Visiting teacher'ees! thanks!


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