
Monday, January 12, 2009

Storytime: Snowman Style

Everyday I have to tell my 3 1/2 year old that we can't build a snowman, because we live in a desert! He doesn't quite get it of course. We have been reading lots of snowman stories at our house lately-which is precisely why he really wants to build a snowman. Oh well, he can dream can't he? And in the meantime, we will keep reading about snowmen. Here are a few of our favorites:
This is a fun one-the illustrations are colorful and fun to look at. The story is simple, but imaginative. Imagine, growing a "mitten tree"...and always having several pair of colorful mittens!
The Snowman by Raymond Briggs
This is a classic! It is a wordless picture book-great for young readers and developing literacy. Young children can tell the story by looking at the pictures. When I taught school, we made up the words, and every child made a page for a class big book, with words and an illustration.

The Biggest Best Snowman by Margery Cuyler
This book teaches us that even if you are little, you still can do "big things". The little girl in the story is often told she can't do things because she is little. With the help of her animal friends in the forest, she builds the biggest, best snowman~proving that she can do big things! A cute story especially for young children.
What snowman stories are you reading at your house?

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