
Friday, February 27, 2009

Zoo Animal Photos

While not spending hours on the computer doing the blog thing......:) .... we have been outside having a fun time in the sun! The weather here is perfect- about 80-85 for a high- and we are lovin' it! Here are a few fun photos of some animals from the zoo today- :) I have a CRAFT IDEA using photos of animals we have taken....stay tuned for that one later:) *I see a few flaws on these photos- now that they are so big ;) oh well....they are still fun photos :)


  1. Beautiful pics! The sun looks fabulous.

  2. hey, it is fun to see some of those familiar animals again. it will be nice to get back to the zoo and the nice weather (before it gets too hot!)
    what kind of camera do you have?

  3. Great pictures of the animals, but my favorite pictures are always the ones of daddy and the boys from behind :)


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