
Monday, March 9, 2009

I ♥ Faces "Creative Cropping"



This is my first post and entry for "I ♥ FACES." I have fallen in love with this blog! It is so fun! Each week they have a contest. Anyone can enter, any level of photography. This week the theme is "Creatively Cropping". I have spent quite a bit of time going through my photos, looking for a great cropped photo that shows a face. I discovered I need some more practice in creatively cropping with software. :) I usually try to crop the photo when I am taking it-so editing is minimal. Most of the good photos I have of faces, were cropped when I took the actual photo. :) I still have lots to learn, but I am really loving photography right now :) I still definitely consider myself a beginner ;)

Why I picked this photo: This has been a favorite photo of ours for a few years now. :) It is the photo that got me going with photography. (It actually one a contest at a local Scrapbook store several years ago, and was displayed there for sometime.) I took it with my little pocket point and shoot camera. I really liked how the original turned out with my little guy's head positioned as shown. It was a very hot day, we were out hiking, and daddy was carrying our little guy. I love his cute little smile. So for my first entry for I ♥ Faces, I went with this photo. After many photos that I have taken since this one (taken in 2006) it still remains one of my favorites.

I still have lots to learn about photoshop! I'm excited I found I ♥ Faces, where many people share with others their skills and what they have learned!


  1. Wow! Beautiful shot and crop!!! I didn't realize how much your two boys look alike at the same age!!! This looks just like Tanner looks now!(or before you cut his hair:)

  2. Welcome to the fun! He is adorable. Good choice!

  3. Welcome! This is so much fun! Love the picture, what a cutie!

  4. Could he be an cuter? NO! Love this pic - nice crop!


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