
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mini "I Spy" Quilt

Continuing on with using up my stash, and finishing all my unfinished projects that have been sitting here for way too long.....

I made my son an "I Spy" Quilt. I first saw this idea about a year ago on Make and Takes. I have since seen it in many places and of course, we just had to make one. It is a quick and easy project, even if you don't sew much.
*The squares were cut 5 inches by 5 inches. There are 30 of them, 2 each for matching.
*After sewing, the squares are about 4 and a half inches in size. Instead of using bias tape to bind, I used some fabric I already had on hand and made my own binding using my iron.
*For the backing, I used some fun fabric I already had, and "warm and natural "batting for the inside.
*I did not tie mine, instead, since it was so small, I sewed the layers together with my sewing machine, along the square seams, trying to stitch right into the seam.
*We found most of our prints at Wal-mart or Hancock Fabrics. I was always looking for character prints so that I could make one of these.
It has been fun and he has really loved it. We will probably make another one in the future ;) I think this is a great thing to make for your child!


  1. This is SO cute! You did a great job! I want one for me! LOL!

  2. That is such a great idea! I love it!

  3. I have been wanting to make one of these for a long time. I really should do it.

  4. Awesome! I need to do this for my boys.

  5. That's really cute Sharla! I could totally make one of these! I have tons of extra squares from my days of teaching - when I made class quilts. I am sure I could find matching squares. But my squares are all 4 inches. I could add a row or two, don't you think?

  6. Carlie, totally- you can make this anyway you want. I used up some of the fabric I had from teaching too! In fact the backing is a fabric I used to put on one of my bulletin boards :) It is really easy too :) Have fun!

  7. Very cute. Jessica first told me about this. I love the idea.


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