
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Modge Podge Easter Eggs

My good friend Modge Podge, and I have been having several late nights together :) I have been in love with this idea since I saw it out there in the blogland. I first saw it here. It is such a simple, easy, inexpensive way to decorate for Easter. And I love the result!
Here is the easy 411:

Modge Podge Easter Eggs

Plastic Easter Eggs
Sponge Brushes
Scrapbook paper
old muffin tin or egg carton (I use the tin to let them dry in)
newspaper to cover your work space

EASY-PEASY. Cover your workspace with newspaper. Modge Podge your plastic eggs together so they don't pop open. While drying, cut small pieces of the scrapbook paper up. I discovered small squares or rectangles looks better than long strips. Apply modge podge to the egg. Stick the paper on. I used the top of my sponge brush to push the corners of the paper down on the egg. (thus- my hands became less sticky.) Brush Modge Podge on top of the paper. Repeat- over lapping the papers until your egg is covered. You might want to do a little, let it sit for a while, and then finish it up. Arrange with moss or grass (less than $2 at Wal-mart) and place in a basket or vase. Voila! Happy Easter!

Here are a few ways we have displayed these at our house:


  1. Thank you so much for your great ideas, and sharing with us, I have an award for you in my blog here

  2. Very crafty! I like them a lot, and your quilt is super cute too. I really need to start experimenting with machine quilting!

  3. Love it! Now I'm off to make my own...

  4. What a great idea. It looks like a lot of work.

  5. This is a great idea. I'm gonna try it, maybe Tuesday after the kids are in bed. Thanks for sharing.

  6. What an inexpensive way to decoroate. again - something I would have never thought of on my own.


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