
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Shamrock Shake

This is a fun treat for kids for St. Patrick's Day. Here is the recipe:
Shamrock Shake:
2 cups lime sherbet (add more if needed)
1 banana
1 cup milk
1-2 drops green food coloring (optional)
Mix all ingredients in a blender. Serve in small cups for children. Enjoy your "green" shamrock shake! Serves 3-4 (depending on how big the servings are. ☻)
*note: mommy wasn't a fan of this, but the kids absolutely LOVED IT!


  1. ohh this looks so good. thanks for this

  2. Yum- I am thinking though maybe green mint chip ice that one! Yes, more fattening, but still...

  3. You could also use pistachio ice cream assuming no nut allergies!


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