
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Banner

You know you've stayed up way too late when the info-commericials come on. ☺ And they sold me on the "Circut-Expression"- I think I need one now. :) My husband was off last night and therefore stayed up doing our taxes, so I stayed up doing this. And now I've having a hard time getting going today. :) Go figure...maybe I should replace my "crazy-crafting-addiction" with a little sleep-at least at night! :)
Well it got late, so I skipped putting in one eyelet on this, and just said, it will have to do. I wish I just had a mantle to hang it up on....but we don't- so it is taped to the wall for now :) hee hee ( below it is a little chick from pre-school- I thought it was so cute-we had to hang it up:...and the bunny ears peeping-up are another crazy-craft project I'll share later :) )
Here is a great tutorial on how to make a banner so you can make one too if you want....just don't stay up too late doing it like I did :).
OK... I feel better now that I shared what I stayed up way too late doing....and now...Pandora got me I can get on my treadmill and get moving! :)


  1. This banner is VERY cute - I love the little details such as the buttons and flowers and your choice of papers. I'm thinking I need one that says "BLOOM" for camp. fun!

  2. very cute banner - definitly worth staying up to make, now go get some sleep!

  3. Love it!
    Too bad I don't have your crafting stamina. I'm still working on my decoupage eggs...

  4. Sharla...
    You are over the top! I haven't checked your blog in the longest time and I can not believe how many super fun Easter crafts and projects you have made. I love how dang creative you are! It is obviouis you are an amazing mom.

  5. This is really, really cute!!

    you are so crafty!

  6. ADORABLE! It looks great! Now go take a nap! :):):)

  7. That is gorgeous and I KNOW that I can do that. I will just use your as a pattern/sample!


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