
Monday, May 4, 2009

Handprint Tulip Card for Mother's Day

For Mother's Day this year, we used our hands to make tulips. (These look more like tulips if you hold your fingers together-but I was working w/ a 3 and 1 year old ;)) This is very simple to do. *Cover your workspace, and the children's clothing. *Using a sponge brush, paint the children's hand with paint. *Press their hand evenly onto the paper and lift up evenly. *Add stems and grass. *Presto-done! Handprint tulips for Mom! :)


  1. Very cute idea. I think we will give this a try.

  2. Why did I buy a card from Target again? These tulips are so much cuter.

  3. I think I am going to steal this idea and use it tomorrow with my kids. I am sure Grandmas will enjoy a homemade card so much more than something purchased.

  4. Man am I glad I checked your blog before going out and buying a card. This is a fabulous idea. We have a project for tomorrow. Thanks!


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