
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Storytime: No David Books- Recording your Own Story

We love the NO DAVID books by David Shannon. My boys have these books memorized- even my 20 month old can read some of them to you ☻ So we decided to make our own No David book, about our own lives and those crazy things kids do- that made you mad at the moment- but that you laugh about later.
For example, when they unroll the entire roll of toliet paper, or pull out all the tissues in the kleenex box....or how about when they pour the entire box of Cheerios on the floor, or the entire carton of orange juice? What about when the draw on the walls or are covered in dirt, or empty the entire paper shredder all over the floor? These are just a few of the normal happenings at our house ☻

Many of these moments we have captured in photos. So I compiled them into a book for us to enjoy. I also included many photos of the good and helpful things they have done such as helping to wash the car, pick up toys, empty the dishwasher, etc. I gathered all the photos together and saved them in a folder on my computer. I was going to scrapbook them by hand, until I had a free offer for a bound book online. You can compile your book anyway you like. This has been very fun for us to read as a family. My older boy thinks the entire thing is hilarious!


  1. Great idea!!! We love No David at our house too. thanks for the wonderful idea.

  2. Cute idea! I've got lots of pictures that would work :)

  3. This is a great idea! It turned out fantastic! I want to see it in person. :)

    I remember Ragan and her cousin, Kassidy, emptying a whole box of Kix on the carpet. They stuck like glue! We got pictures, too! :)

  4. I awarded you the One Lovely Blog Award!
    Check it out:

    ~Samantha at TwoHeartsTogether

  5. Congrats on the award above! That is a great idea with the book. I love it.

  6. What a cute idea to model your book after a family favorite story!


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