
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Just A Little Longer...

I loved this! My friend Abby at A Feathered Nest shared this from this etsy shop, and I just had to post it too!

I just have to say- "I'm so crafty I make people....and just like my crafts-- my people just take longer to make..... !" HA HA! We had an amniocentesis at the hospital today with plans to have the baby tomorrow. BUT....despite BIG HUNK's size, his lungs are not fully developed yet. So therefore, we will have to wait on him for another several days. the meantime, while this little person is taking longer to make, I think I'll find some crafty thing to make myself- a "craft distraction".... And hopefully the time will just fly by and we will welcome him here soon!


  1. Sorry to hear that it will take a little longer. Almost there, Almost there!! Let me know what I can do to help.

  2. Sharla,
    I'm so sorry that it will take a couple more day! I think the last week is the worst!Are you still delivering in Phoenix? You both are in my prayers.

  3. I love that sign! I need to remember that on days that I feel inadequate. Hang in there!

  4. I love that!!! I hope you are having a baby right now! (Happy thoughts, happy thoughts!!!)


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