
Monday, June 22, 2009

Overwhelmed by Kindness and Love ☻

The past few weeks I have had a doctor appointment almost everyday (4 out of 5 days a week!) C-R-A-Z-Y! And several friends have come to my rescue! I can't express how wonderful these people have made me feel - they are fabulous!

Here are a few things some friends did:

*BABYSITTING my kids while I had to go to doctor appointments... and then cleaning while babysitting!

*A few ladies showed up at my door with their cleaning supplies in hand. ONE of these ladies did this on her BIRTHDAY! Yes, she was in big trouble when I found out she came over and cleaned my bathroom on her birthday!

*Another lady showed up at my home and painted my toenails-gave me a pedicure!

*To top it off, another friend came by with the plethora of diapers and wipes! She had contacted several generous ladies from my church (ward) and they all donated on my behalf.

THANK YOU THANK YOU!! Words cannot express how all this has made us feel ☻ We are more than grateful for all these wonderful people who have shown such love and support towards our little family! Thank you thank you! I am inspired to share the love and pass it on to others because of you ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. How wonderful. I am glad you have such kind people close by. Also your wipe case and burp cloths are adorable. I wish I had half your energy. Good luck with your baby.

  2. We love you Sharla. Let us konw what other help you need!!! PLEASE!

  3. That is so sweet of them! You have a great ward and it sounds like some great friends down there, too! Sorry you can't sleep these days - why is it that when you need sleep the most ('cause you know you won't get it shortly!) you just can't sleep? What a bummer, but you have some cute things to show for it :)

  4. You're lucky to have such great friends to take care of you. Every women should have such wonderful friends. I look forward to hearing about your new baby here soon!

  5. Even though I am no longer officially in the ward, I too love you, and want to help in any way I can. Please let me know if you need any more help with babysitting, cleaning, or anything else. Good luck with the new baby, I can't wait to see pictures!


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