
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Welcome Baby!

He is here! His stats were: 9 lbs. 13 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. 2:48 p.m.
(We'll post the winners of our Guessing Game soon :))
He does need to see a specialist right away about his kidneys, etc.
Name is Dallin. :) We are LOVING his dark hair!!


  1. Oh so sweet! Many blessings to your family! My prayers are with his kidney specialist.

  2. Oh Sharla... he is precious!!! He definitely looks like a Palmer! Way to get pictures up so fast! Hope everything is going well for you and Dallin! So... I was not even close for the weight guessing, but I suggested THE NAME (and we all know that's the most important)!!! So I think I should get a prize too! ;)

  3. Congratulations!!! He is so cute. I bet your boys are SOOO excited to have a new little brother.

    I hope things went well and that you are feeling ok too.

  4. He is adorable. How was that delivery? Let me know what they say about his surgery.

  5. It was good to see you yesterday. I hope you are continuing to recover well. I will call you later today to check in on you!

  6. Congrats Sharla. Our prayer are with your family as you still have to deal with more doctors.

  7. He is beautiful. Congrats! Also good luck with the specialist.

  8. Ah - super sweet! Congratulations!

  9. He is very handsome. I would love to send you a blanket please contact me as auntsusan40(at)yahoo(dot)com

  10. Sharla!!! He's gorgeous!!! I see the family resemblance already :) I love the dark hair, too. I love that onesie he's wearing, also...I am so glad here's here and you all are doing ok! Let me know if you need anything, please! Congratulations--LOVE the name by the way.

  11. What a cutie! Congrats on the little sweetie :) Dallin is such a cute name!!! Hope he gets feeling better soon.

  12. Congratulations Sharla!!! I love the name Dallin and he is so cute! My babies were all bald!! My prayers are with you and Dallin. Love you, DeAnn

  13. Wow, I did not realize he was so big. Double congrats to you!!


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