
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

you just never know...

Today I threw up 5 times. I had no sleep last night, and it has affected the entire day in every way. And then I read about The Thrifty Chic passing away. This really hit me hard, because she had a new baby boy about the same age as mine. She was a mother, wife, and shared a lot of the same interests as me. She was my same religon and from my home state. I have never met Stacey. Just yesterday, I was admiring her car seat cover tutorial -which I plan to make. She will be missed by many, including me-even though I only knew her via blogging.

My heart goes out to her family and loved ones. Tonight there is a family missing their mother; there is a newborn baby boy crying for his mommy; and there is a husband who unexpectedly lost his wife. This family will be surrounded by memories of their mother, because she shared what she loved with her family- she created for them.
So because of this, I will hold and feed my crying newborn all night without complaining; and I will enjoy my other children's messes and screams; and I will not complain when my husband gives his best effort to help out around the house. I will count my blessings and be grateful for being alive surrounded by my children and husband-grateful to be their mother and wife.


  1. I felt the same way. So shocking and tragic. Heartbreaking.

  2. I went to her blog and read what her sister wrote, and some of her blog posts. That is just so shocking, tragic, and hard to believe. Her poor family, and that beautiful baby boy, who is only a few weeks old...It just breaks my heart, and I found myself crying as I read both your post and truly is a gift, and what is here today can, and is, gone tomorrow. I too, will be hugging my children tighter, counting my blessings more, and cherishing what God has given me! Thank you for blogging about Stacey. Her story really touched me today.

  3. I am so sad right now. I can't believe someone so young died of a stroke! Her poor little family. Thanks for posting this. I will also be hugging my kids and husband a little tighter tonight.

  4. Wow, what a tragedy. I was touched by the post her sister make. What a great tribute. I feel for her family. I can't imagine how hard it will be for them.


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