
Friday, July 17, 2009

How the Nursery would look IF...

If I only had one child.... This would be the best I could do with limited funds, and 100 square feet room... But because I have other children, the room doesn't quite look like this, as I have 2 kids sleeping in it for the time being- but I'll take the kids over the cute room anyday
The story behind the nursery: I never had a nursery- like cute- all matchy matchy- with my other kids. I never wanted to spend any money on bedding, etc. I just kept dreaming about a nursery with this STARS theme- for like the past 4 years. So I finally sort-of-just-did-it.
Most of the stuff I have had forever. The walls are white- since we aren't staying in this house for very long, we are not investing in painting the walls at this point- so I used a few vinyl stars- so the wall wasn't so boring. The All -Star shoes hanging up are from a yard sale for a dollar, and my first born wore them all the time. The photos are of the kids and one of me and one of my grandma as a baby. The lamp is like from 10 years ago from Target. The chair was about $3 at a thirft store, and we spray painted it yellow. The blue blanket on the chair is super soft- from JoAnn's ( I just need to bind it.) The curtains are from forever ago- fabric for $1 a yard at Wal-mart- and I just made them. My favorite part is the shelf above the window that doubles as a curtain rod. My husband made several of these for us, a long time ago- I want them on all my windows. The stuff on the shelf- well- it is just stuff ....not too exciting... ☻

The bedding was all off of Ebay- different Pottery Barn Kids pieces from like forever ago. I don't do the matching sheet thing- since I change the sheet almost everyday- I have a bunch of different ones and they don't so match. The vinyl lettering was just some that I had-so I found a way to make it work ☻

The blue dresser is my favorite and kind of the reason I kept the room blues, whites, and yellows. This dresser belonged to my great-grandmother, and my great-aunt gave it to us when my grandma passed away. It was this blue color, and we did not change it at all. The drawer pulls were as above, and I just changed them to the stars below.

I wanted star knobs to match the star-thing -theme- and there were very pricey online, so we made our own. We bought wooden stars at a craft store, and found some drawer pulls at Target to glue them to. After spray-painting them white, we used some epoxy glue to attach them to the pulls we found and just put them on. This way, when we want to use the dresser later on, we can change the knobs- and maybe paint it too. I love pieces that are meaningful- and I love my little blue dresser that belonged to my great-grandmother. ☻☻☻...
☻Of course there is a changing table and a rocker in this room too- not pictured.--it isn't anything exciting in the least ☻
And I'll have you know. after I took these photos, I moved the toddler bed back into the room, the humidifier, put the black out fabric back on the window and lowered the blinds, etc. and returned the nursery to its current state of - chaos....oh well..... until the others are older, I'll just dream about my cute, clean, organized nursery.


  1. I love, love, love this nursery!!! I had to laugh at the last part, about putting the bed back, the humidifier back, ect. When Parker was first born we had ALL THREE kids in one room (thank goodness for bunk beds!)It wasn't until a few months ago, when I convinced Matthew to give up his office that we moved the boys to their own room, and gave Emma her own, too. Now of course our "formal living room" is half living room and half office :) I love how you find great deals, take ordinary thrift store finds and make them look like a million bucks! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. I love the dresser. How fun that is was your grandma's!

  3. adorable nursery! I really loved your idea to spray paint the little baskets in the previous post also - very clever! I need to come see you! I'm hoping to see you once the kids are in school (of course, I'll call first)
    Miss you!

  4. All I am going to say is.....Amazing. You simply amaze me.

  5. This is great. I never would have thought about the idea to buy, pray & glue. I wanted hearts for my girls' dressers, but they were soooo expensive. Maybe I can do it afterall. Thanks for the idea!!


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