
Friday, July 31, 2009

I see Potential...

Not that I have the time/energy/stamina to attack this project right now...but I will soon. ☻

I saw this desk at a Thrift Shop and have had my eye on it for weeks. I did not buy it right away- thought it was too much money- and it was reduced. So after several weeks, my husband took a look at it and thought it was worth the $30, and brought me home a project. It is solid wood through and through. We need a desk, (we have a particle board one from K-mart about 10 years old- and it needs replacing.) I am not about to spend any money on furniture right now- but I do enjoy a very thrifty find- and I have remade several pieces of furniture over the years that were free or very cheap...(and you would never know)... I'll share some later.
Anyhoo... I have in my mind what I want this desk to look like after I am finished. However, my husband is a little tired of everything becoming the same color in our house- black or red. But I have free black paint (thank you Glidden), and thought I would go with something in that area...he isn't happy about my color choices... So I am wondering... What color would you paint this little beauty? What kind of hardware? I was just going to maybe reuse the old hardware or some that we already had- you know- this is a thrifty/almost free project...gotta stay in the budget...tough times here people..☻
PLEASE share your ideas and thoughts w/ me :) Of course I'll show the potential/after photos when I get there!


  1. Personally I think the hardware is great, so I'd put it right back on after painting. I think a really pretty bright green would be fun or a crisp white, but I'm also total sucker for our old stand-bys.

  2. I have a desk almost exactly like this! I bought it at a yard sale for $5 seven years ago. It's still currently in our bedroom, lovingly "distressed" (read: scratched and chipped) and as is. One day I'm going to paint it black and distress the edges. And some burnished nickel fixtures, perhaps? I think someone once told me this was a Jenny Lind desk.

    I'm curious to see what you'll do w/ yours!

  3. I like the idea of painting black. I know you said Aaron is sick of black and red, but staying in the same color family makes it easier to coordinate your furniture if you have to move pieces from room to room (you could use that as an excuse to try and convince him :)And I like the idea of reusing the hardware. A good polish and those handles will look FABULOUS! Plus, like you said, they're free! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  4. Great find... I like the hardware on it... clean it up and put it back on...

    I like natural wood... I would just sand it up... and do something light/medium... but that's my preference (as you can tell from all the furniture in my house), hahaha.

    But I guess the main thing is... what room is it going in, and you should have it match the furniture that's in the room already. Unless you don't mind mismatched... but again, just one of my preferences. Good luck!

  5. What about painting it an antique white and distressing the edges??? It really just depends on what will work in your house. I can't wait to see how it turns out. And I have no idea how you are still posting so much with a 3 boys at home (one being so small still) you are seriously super mom! I can't even keep my blog updated monthly-ha ha!!

  6. There is a similar desk in our ally that I have been eyeing for a week. It's much rougher without good hardware. I was thinking black.

    I love black or red, although I just painted something sea glass green and I love it. So that was the color I got from Gliden.

  7. I would sand it down and stain it.. But if that isn't going to work, I would probably go with the black paint.. Staining being my first choice.


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