
Friday, September 4, 2009

Blog Button for Little Gems

I know most of you are waiting for a certain tutorial...believe is coming... very very soon.... like in the next day or so...(and a re-opening of my tiny tiny etsy shop, + small give-a-way.) ☻ ☻ ☻ ..Anyhoo.... I made a blog button-not perfect but good enough. I have laundry to do so I just can't spend all my time on this....☻ Still not sure how to do the other part with the code- for linking...but will work on that later-when time provides. For now, there is a small one of these little babies on the sidebar if you would like to grab it and post it on your blog. If you do, will you leave me a comment and let me know-- and if it is a little big let me know that still may need some refining...THANKS! ☻ if you are unsure on how to link a blog button- leave me a comment and I'll be glad to help :)

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