
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Crafting with Kids: Monster Mania with Make and Takes

Marie, from Make and Takes, has a new book- Monster Mania, crafts for little monsters. When it comes to crafts for children and blogging, Marie leads the way. She has always been someone I really admired in this department, so when she asked me to take a look at her new book, I was happy to do so. This is a darling book full of fun things to do with kids and perfect for this time of year too. My son, who is four, wants to do everything in it. ☻ (He can't read yet, but loves the fun photos in the book.) This book is very user-friendly, that even children (or your husband:)) could follow the step-by-step photos and instructions. It also uses regular craft materials, and doesn't call for anything that is hard to find or out of the ordinary.
We have already enjoyed crafting some "Monster Feet" for monster stomping, and can't wait to make a "Spooky Monster House". Being that I just had a new baby, I haven't had the time to come up with fun kid's crafts lately. This book solved that problem! If you are going to be spending some time indoors, with the cold weather coming on, this is a perfect little book to have on hand. You can download it from here, and have a great time crafting with your little monsters this season. Happy Crafting!


  1. Hey I did a post about the foamerator and gave you due credit. I love it thinking of using it to potty train LOL.

  2. hmm last comment didn't go through so if duplicated.
    I just posted about the Foamerator and gave you due credit. I love the thing!


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