
Friday, September 18, 2009

Easy Baby Bibs

You have probably seen some baby bibs like these out there, they seem to be everywhere these days. These are super easy to make. I make mine a little different, by adding an extra layer. (the ones pictured above I used an old vintage sheet to for the fabric one and made matching burp cloths)
First you need a template. You can use an old bib you have, or find one online, or use a cereal box and a cup to make your own. For this particular bib, I used the one here, with Homemade by Jill. You can find a full tutorial there too. (Next time I am going to make my own template. I wanted the strap a bit longer for my kids- so it fit better around their necks when they were older-so I extended the strap.) The tutorial listed, is perfect for about a 6 month old baby, I think. Also- pre-wash all the fabric before hand!
I also added an extra layer between the terry cloth and the top layer. I added warm and natural batting (pictured above) but then found that flannel worked better. I added the extra layer to make it more absorbent for spills, etc. My kids are messy eaters. ☻Basically you just cut your pieces all the same and then sew around the edges at 1/4 inch. If you don't want the frayed look, use pinking sheers, although it may still fray some. Terry cloth can really fray, but using pinking sheers, cuts down on the fraying a bit. I like the terry cloth idea, because you can use the back to clean up the child after eating. :)

I think for older kids I will make it longer next time, and maybe add a pocket on the bottom to catch the food they drop. (?) I'll try anything to make cleaning up after meals easier. ;) This is just one of the bib styles I am really liking these days. There are more out there- I'll show you soon. ☻

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