
Monday, September 21, 2009

Quilting with Paper

I saw this idea on Joy's Hope. I loved it so much, I couldn't wait to try it as I love using canvas and pretty paper to decorate. ☻ It was much easier and quicker to do than it looked. She shares a tutorial on how do to this at the link above. Here is a little bit about how I did mine. ☻

First pick some coordinating papers. I used DCWV papers, since they had the color combinations I was looking for. You need a paper cutter to cut the paper, and some modge podge to attach the paper to the canvas. I also painted my canvas first, to get the sides/edges, and I also did a light coat of paint over the entire thing (in case any canvas showed through in places) before applying the paper with modge podge.
Since my canvas was 16 inches by 20 inches, I cut my paper in 4 inch lengths, but all different widths-from one inch to 3 inches- I didn't really measure exactly, just cut. It really doesn't take that much paper, so it goes quickly. Then I place my paper around the edge -no paticular order or pattern- but I wanted it to sort of look like a frame-so I went around the edge and then filled in the middle. I laid it all out first, and then applied the modge podge and attached it after.

I added a few vinyl letters...not sure how I like it, but it comes off easily if I change my mind.
The great thing about modge podge, is that if I get sick of this design, I can just modge podge something else over the top. ☻I also hot glued some white wooden clothespins to hold the photo in place...but I may change that later too. (see top photo)

I used this black and white paper to make one for my room too. I may put a photo on it, and I may not...we'll see.

It just adds something to an otherwise very plain wall. I'm thinking I need to make a few more like this and hang them all together to really make a statement on a wall. Quilting with paper is really fun- and anyone can do it. And since I love stuff like this but hate a whole wall of the same thing (sorry, I know wall paper is coming back but I still don't like it), this is perfect for me. Let me know if you try this! ☻ I'd love to see your version of this easy craft!


  1. They both look great! Thanks for sharing the link to the tutorial. I'll go check it out.

  2. I really really like these! Great idea, I have to find a place to try it!!

  3. Cute! My sis-in-law makes these with little squares of paper, rubons and buttons and bows for baby. I love yours, too! It's a cute idea to leave it plain.

  4. that is fun! Maybe I'll do it for Jane's wall instead of the plain fabric squares I was planning on.. .

  5. I love Joy's Hope, but I think that I like your quilted boards better than her her's (don't tell)!
    I should make some of my own for the kids' rooms...

  6. Ohhh! This is so cute. Mod Podge is my favorite!! I'll have to make one of these soon!

  7. I love this idea. I just don't think I could come up with such great paper combinations. We really need to live closer!!

  8. Loved this project. I've created my own and posted them on my blog. Check them out here...

  9. I love this idea i will definitely be trying this !!!!!!!


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