
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

100 Followers Give-a-way ;)

I always told myself if this blog ever reached 100 followers, I would do a give-a-way.... And it somehow-reached that today... So if you want to enter..Let's make the prize a Christmas Apron :) I'll make it to fit the winner... hee hee....and you'll have to patient with me...I'll get it to you by December 1st. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment :) Follower or not you can enter (but followers get an extra entry-just mention you are one-I personally use Google Reader-so whatever your method is thanks for following...just mention it if you want an extra entry:))....thanks for all your support in my crazy-crafty-fun-endeavors !
Happy Holidays!


  1. congrats on having 100 followers! Woot Woot! You (and your ideas!) are amazing!
    miss you bunches, I need to call you.

  2. WOW! 100, huh?! That's great!! (If I win, you will need an extra bit of fabric to encircle my girth! haha!)

  3. I've had you on my google reader for some time now and I guess I'd never hit the follower button until now. Congrats on reaching a 101 followers and there will be more to come.

  4. Congratulations! I'm a big fan, so I can definitely understand at least 100 other people are too!

  5. I love following your blog! You and your blog are fabulous!!

  6. Wow!! Sign me up!! I'm officially follower too! Love your blog!! I'm a follower of your family blog... does that count too? ;)

  7. That's awesome! And I could always use another apron! I don't know if I count as a follower, but I follow on the side of my blog and read whenever you update! Thanks for all the awesome ideas!

  8. You are amazing and ambitious! Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Of course I'd like to be entered! Congrats for getting 100 followers - I love your site! :)

  10. OOps, I forgot to say I'm a follower :)

  11. You are so sweet! What a wonderful prize!!! Congratulations on reaching 100 followers! That is so exciting!

  12. I love your blog and enjoy all of your projects. Congrats on hitting 100!

  13. I bet you have quite a bit more than just 100 followers, since blogger just counts those who follow through blogger (as far as I know). I have you on my google reader, but I'm not on the Blogger follower list, so that's an extra one at least. :)

  14. What a great giveaway! And perfect timing for holiday baking. I definitely follow your blog! Thanks for all the great ideas!

  15. Congrats on 100 followers! That is amazing. I am proud to call myself a follower. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!!!

  16. Congrats on the followers. I love to watch your blog.. can't wait to see who wins and the apron!

  17. Congrats 100 followers. We are going to make the pipe cleaner pumpkins for our Thanksgiving centerpieces. ANd I have a link to you from by blog.

  18. I love your blog and all your crafty projects. I have tried lots of them and can't wait to have time to try more. Thanks for always sharing your cute little projects. I am a follower and would love to own an apron hand made by you! So sweet!

  19. this is so fun...what a great idea to do a giveaway...i am thrilled to already be a follower. you must be so excited to have reached 100

  20. hooray for followers...I am the queen of followers...2 entries, please!!! love your stuff!

  21. Count me in. Your craftiness inspires me.

  22. Oops, I forgot to mention, I am a follower. Love your work.

  23. I am a follower! Love all your crafty ideas!

  24. How fun! Thanks for doing the giveaway! I follow you on google reader and LOVE your blog!

  25. I am a follower! I have enjoyed watching as your very handsome boys have grown and are becoming great young men. Thnks for offering this give away, I love aprons!

  26. I check your adorable blog and actually did your scrapbook paper frame craft. Except I turned mine into a magnetic board. So fun and I loved the idea. You are ALWAYS doing fun things with and for your kids. PICK ME!!! I could use a cute new apron.

  27. Congrats, I love your ideas and cute crafts! You are awesome, and with a new baby too!

  28. You cease to amaze me. Good for you on 100 followers. Hope things are going well.

  29. Yay, congratulations on hitting the 100 mark! :)

    (I am a follower, of course!)

  30. I followed your blog from a friends blog....I just love to see your kids crafts. As a newbie Mom of a 1 & 2 year old-you insprire me to get crafty! :)


  31. Congrats on hitting 100. I think I have like 5 people that read my blog--however it's not creative like yours, so I guess I should cut myself a little slack (plus I'm not a very frequent blogger!!) I'm a blog follower and would love the apron. Thanks for all of your great ideas!

  32. Here I am coming back for some fun ideas {again!} You really do the cutest things! I follow your blog and love it :)

  33. I love all the cute little projects you have going on. I found your site while trolling the Fall Quilt festival.

  34. Congratulations on reaching 100! I do so love your aprons. :) wink-wink

  35. That is awesome!! I LOVE your creations and I really need an apron (can you believe that I don't have one?!). I am a follower.

  36. That's great Sharla! Congrats! Of course I am a follower of your blog! I love checking out new and fun things to do!

  37. I don't even know what Google Reader is, but you are for sure on my favorites button. I was so excited when you put the car cozies for sell on Etsy, I have two nephews who will love them (maybe their moms will love them more). Considering I don't know how to sew or craft, I really hope I win.

  38. Love your sight, stumbled upon in from U create and glad I did! I'm a brand new follower and I'll check back soon!

  39. Congrats on 100 followers! I just added myself to those numbers - Jessica

  40. just discovered your blog and I'm loving it!

  41. Just found you! Love the car cozy! Beth

  42. i just found your blog today thru U sweet and great that you show stuff for boys as i have a 3and a half yr old boy and 8mth baby girl...
    seems am just in time for the apron!
    i dont know what a google reader is but i am putting your blog on my favourite sites list (towards the top heehee)
    god bless

  43. I was just sent here from U Create and I love your blog. I love crafts for boys too b/c I can never find fun stuff out there. I've added you to my Google Reader subscriptions. :)

  44. I am still fairly new to blogger and i would like to take this time to congratulate you on you reaching 100 followers. I hope that one day i could also have 100 followers. I especially love the boy crafts since i never find anything for my boy. Oh Well. Keep up the fun crafts! CONGRATULATIONS!


please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}