
Friday, October 23, 2009

Candy Corn Trick or Treat Bag

New trick-or-treat bags got made this year at our house. I had this idea to do candy corns... how can you not love candy corns?  I think it is the color combination I love.
Here is a simple tutorial if you would like to make one.
You need:
paper for pattern (I used Freezer Paper)
fabric scraps in white, yellow, and orange (I used cotton and felt)
a scrap of fabric  or ribbon for a handle

First draw a big triangle-a little bigger than the size you want your bag to be-  with rounded corners.  I like freezer paper because you can iron it right on to the fabric you are using, it peels off, and you can use it again. You can use regular paper or tracing paper if you don't have freezer paper. You just need a big triangle. Mine was quite larger than a 8 by 11 sheet of paper, but it can be any size you want.  Next, cut the triangle into three sections for each color of the candy corn.  Cut out your fabric using this as a pattern.
Sew the three pieces together at 1/4 inch seam allowance. The edges will not match up exactly, so just trim it off. Do this for the front and back (do it twice) and then you will pin the sections-right sides together-and to sew the sides.  Leave the straight edge of the yellow open. If you use felt, you can just use pinking shears to finish the top edge.
Now all you have to do is sew on the handle. I just sewed a strip of fabric in half, turned it right side out, and then sewed it to the inside of the bag next to the seams.

I ran out of felt, so I made another with some dotted scraps. I added lining to the dotted one, but not to  the felt one.
Let me know if you have any questions by leaving a comment and I'll respond with a comment.
Sorry this tutorial isn't too is screaming in the other room...for some reason he thinks he can't sleep without his mommy!  silly baby...
Have fun gathering your TREATS :)


  1. I LOVE IT! I need to make some for my boys.

  2. Very cute! I, too, love the colors of candy corn (although I don't care to eat them) - they are so happy and symbolize fall so well.

  3. If I find any candy corn to get into and eat it...well I am going to give you the credit.


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