
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Make a Magnetic Advent Calendar

Last year I spent a lot of time making these. I still have a few left- if you would like one or the materials/kits to make one- let me know. ☻  I sold and gave a way many an advent calendar last year and it sort of burned me out. This year I have way too many crafts on the brain to make these again. Besides,  this year these are out there in blog land.  (The circle idea actually was seen in a vinyl lettering catalog but it was a bit different and obviously lots of people saw the same thing I did.☻ )
 A friend and I came up with the tree one- using our incredible brain power. ☻  hee hee-not like we haven't seen a tree advent before.... :)   (two brains are always better than one-right?)
Anyway- Here is the lowdown on how to do this on your very own:
You need a cookie sheet, or magnetic board. I'm not going to tell you to spray paint a cookie sheet- as I did, because it can be a pain. in. the. you know what. BUT you can buy magnetic spray paint and use wood, or purchase a magnetic board or material from a hardware store, and there you go.
Next you need vinyl numbers, or stickers, or some way to put on the lovely numbers to count down.
To go with that, you need a cute Christmas magnet.
AND last, you need a way to display it. I just hot-glued ribbon on the back.
OK there is one little advent calendar you can make pretty fast.
What kind of advents are you using this year? 
Is it really Christmas already?


  1. I have not seen the magnetic advent calendars and think yours look fantastic.

    Last year, I made our first Advent calendar and we will be using it again this year. It was made using 25 treasure boxes which we filled with notes and tangible objects that signified what we were grateful about that particular day. After Christmas I collected the contents from each of the 25 treasure boxes and collated a book. I have recently looked at this book and it is a beautiful kkepsake and tradtion we would like to continue with.

    I wrote a blog post about it. The link is:

  2. these are so fun and such a great idea. this year we are using advents brought to us by a friend from Germany....

  3. I happen to have one of those fabulous calendars from you from last year! I can't wait to put it up again!

  4. Sharla, when you have a second, email me. I really want to buy a kit and I need two car cozies.

  5. I bought an advent nativity book, and that's about as good as I'll get this year, unless I can find all the stars from my Bethlehem one I painstakingly made!

  6. Love the ideas! I just featured your recycled lid game on my blog. So cute and creative!

  7. I Love your idea for these Advent Calendars. Last year, I made a fabric one that we hang in the living room. It was a fabric panel with a cooking theme, and each day we put a fabric cookie in the appropriate spot. I'd post a copy but it is still packed away in the attic. But I think we need a magnetic one, too! They are great.

  8. I saw the cirle idea everywhere today when I googled "DIY advent calendars!" I would totally be interested in buying the supplies to make one of these!

  9. I would totally be interested in one as well. They're ADORABLE! I have seen these all over blog-land since last holiday season, but we never made or bought one because we were busy moving, and now I'm feeling out of the loop ;)

  10. Hi there! I am one of your blog "stalkers" and love what you make. I have not even thought to attempt anything but a circle advent calendar I think I could! Pleaes let me know if you have any kits available or even a pre-made one too. Thanks so much, Jaime from Milwaukee is our personal blog The Room 10 name is my classroom blog (I teach elementary as well).

    thanks so much for your response and sharing all the time.

  11. I'd be interested in buying a kit for the tree shaped advent - basically I need the vinyl numbers and maybe a magnet (since I would pick my own ribbon and I have the cookie sheet).

    send me an email at allen.cassidy (at) gmail (dot) com


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