
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Felt Car Playmat {rough draft take one}

Remember my shower curtain playmat I made like forever ago? is still getting played with a lot. In fact it is spread out on the floor right now, rips and all, cars parked at IKEA. So once upon a time many months ago, I decided to use up my felt stash to make a really really cool one that would last longer, and I wanted to have it done for Christmas. didn't quite happen. In fact, one night, when my husband told me he was about an hour away from being home, I decided to pull out the felt and just start cutting and what you see is what I got done. And I thought- "I will get this done in 2 days for Christmas..." and of course it didn't happen. So next my goal was to get it done for New Year's- from the "New Year's Baby." Oops..not happening then either. See...other things are priority right now-as usual. I wish I had 50 hours everyday. ☻ So let me know what you think of my "rough draft" and maybe I'll get really motivated, and stay up until 3 a.m. for several nights and finish this thing! Then I'll share the "how-to" and all that with you all!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


  1. hey ... I've got one of those in the works, too! Great minds think alike? ;)

    I just had my mom email me photos of the mat my aunt made one for my brothers and sister when we were kids to get some ideas. It was one of the best used toys of our childhood.

  2. I found your tutorial on your Car Cozie and made one for my son this Christmas. I posted your site on my blog and appreciate the help. I love your blog!

  3. A tutorial would be great. I just had a friend ask me if I knew of any tutorials. She would be very interested.

    I have been meaning to make some different felt play mats to fit our train table. We like to mix things up and I've been to lazy (or just occupied with other things) to get around to doing it... I look forward to seeing your finished product. It might be just the motivation I need to go make some of my own... :)


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