
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Homemade Christmas Decor

I've been making a few things to get our place ready for Christmas...and while I planned originally to have lots of separate fun posts during this holiday season, it isn't going to happen. ☻ I'll have to show you what I get done ...during 2010. But for now, here are a few little view....

I made a table runner from Moda's Merry and Bright Christmas Collection. I don't know if you can still get this fabric collection, but I love it. I used the 10 inch squares (layer cake squares I think) and cut them in half. I have a quilt all cut out and ready to be sewn, but I want to take my time on it and do a good it will have to wait. At least I can enjoy these pretty fabrics on my table ;)

Using up some vinyl lettering, and paper scraps I made a few Christmas banners-some for gifts. I wanted to put it together simply and quickly, so I used some ribbon I had and sewed the paper to the ribbon! Easy ☻

Using some felt, heavy interfacing, black wire, and paper clips, with a little hot glue, I created this card holder that looks like Christmas lights. ☻ I saw something similiar at Picture People.  I didn't want to pay for theirs, so I made one. While I planned to make a template for this, and tutorial, time is slipping away, and I don't have the time. However, if you want, leave me a comment and I'll get it to you. ☻

Now for kid's crafts, we made some pipecleaner sphere ornaments. Similiar to our pipecleaner pumpkins, put with different colors, and twisting two colors together first. Instructions are at the link above.

And lastly, our sweet little guy goes back to the hospital for more testing this week and hopefully more answers. And because I'd rather be making cookies with my kids, while listening to Christmas music, and watching Christmas made for T.V. movies with my husband while folding laundry...I think I will try to do more of that this season and less of this stuff. Happy Holidays to everyone!


  1. Sounds like a perfectly wonderful way to spend the holiday season - without the additional trip to the hospital of course! Sending prayers that you'll get lots of answers and be able to really enjoy this holiday season!

  2. I like your decor. It is awesome - especially the card holder. I just wouldn't think to come up with my own of something I have seen. You are just so creative!!!! Good luck with the appointments this week. Please let me know if I can do anything for you.

  3. Soo creative and very cute! I love your ideas. I got your message last night. I will try and call today.
    Love you!

  4. I was just talking to my mom today about you and all your ideas you post:) I was in IKEA and it reminded me of you:) I went to call you the other day, but I forgot, I lost all of my numbers when my phone was stolen. E-mail me your number , cuz I'd love to call you! I LOVE that picture of you and little guy:) He is gorgeous! I hope the tests give you some answers!!

  5. what a beautiful bunch of treasures. i love the table runner

  6. I love the banner and the felt lights! Good luck on the testing... I hope it isn't anything serious!

  7. I made your light card holders and they are so stinkin cute!


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