
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Make a Toy Toolbelt from a Place mat

Continuing on with the place mat crafts, here is another one for boys that takes 10 minutes to make. I used another dollar store place mat. Note: make sure you pre-wash place mats from the dollar store. I am so glad I did this. Some of them have colors that bleed, and they are so much softer and easier to work with after washing.
Here is what you need to make a super-cute-and-super-easy toy tool belt for your little guy.
Sew the sides. You can sew right sides together and flip it, or the edges are already finished, since it is a place mat, so you can just sew the edges. I sewed right sides together, sewing my hammer loop into the seam, and flipped it inside out. Then I simply sewed some straight lines to form pockets, and added a strap (with some stuff I already had) and some Velcro so my little guy could wear it.
Now I'm off to make another one so there is "no fighting" over it...and heaven knows we have more than enough toy tools around here! More placemat/boy crafts to come! And I'm finally linking something up with Get your Craft On on Today's Creative Blog. 
Check out all the fun crafts today by clicking below.


  1. I love this! My little guy has a ton of play tools, but he's been using his sister's girly apron to carry them around in.

  2. That is adorable!!!! I love it, and my nephew would totally get a kick out of it!

  3. That is amazing. Sharla, you never cease to amaze me with the things you come up with. You are an inspiration to many. Thank you for taking the time to tell us how you do these so those of us that are creatively challenged can have some guidance!

  4. Ooh, I've been wanting to make one of these and now I have a place to start! Thanks for the idea :)

  5. I love this. I think I'll try making it for my son. I'm working on a fabric tool box for him today.

  6. Very cute! I love these two place mat ideas! I've linked you on my blog for the car caddy, can I use a picture too?

  7. Very cute! And simple (my favorite part.) My boy is a little too old for this now, but there are always new cousins coming along. I've posted a link. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Thanks for the great tutorial! I posted our version of them here, with a link to your site:

  9. Yay, placemats are such a great base for stuff! My sons love tools & tool belts. This would be a home run at our house.

  10. Ooooh I definitely have to try this!! Thank you!!!

  11. I just featured this on my blog today as part of a toolbelt roundup.


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