
Monday, March 29, 2010

Don't Eat Pete {in Easter Peep style}

Last night I was doing the dishes, and I suddenly thought of this idea. It probably came because of all the cute Peep crafts out there. Anyway, needless to say the dishes never got finished, and I am very tired. :) But when an idea hits, sometimes other stuff has to wait, right?  My boys LOVED playing this and we came up with some variations on it too.
This is a really fun and easy game- and I made up a download for you (below)- all in the name of the Peep.☻

If you haven't played Don't Eat Pete, let me quickly explain it. You put a candy (we used jelly beans) or other edible item-just as a Cheerio, on each picture. One person leaves the room, and the rest of the group picks one to be the "peep". When the person comes back in the room, they start eating one at a time. (My son just took them off because he did not like the jelly beans-and you can do that too.) When the person picks the "peep" that the group picked, you yell "Don't eat the peep!" And everyone has a good laugh. You repeat until everyone has had a turn.

NOTE: if you have small children that are startled by loud noises, this game could scare them. It depends on the child. My children (not the baby-it scared him) were fine, but I have played this with older children, and they did not like the yelling part. Just letting you know- so you don't have crying children from this game. :)

We did COLOR BINGO. I made several cards, and as I called out a color, the kids would put a candy on that colored peep.
We also did COLOR MATCHING- matching the colored jelly bean to the peep color.
AND you could also print these out on colored card stock and number them and do the same two games but with numbers or ABC's.

Want to play this game with your family? Click below to download your copy and have fun playing Don't Eat the Peep! I made it in a word document file and it is white so you can color it or print it on colored card stock. The ones above I colored with Crayola markers and highlighter markers.

Download your Don't Eat the Peep game board here.

Can you please leave me a comment if you like this and will be using it? I spent way too much time on this post and some comment love would be good for me today :)
And now I have exercise to do, dishes to do, laundry to fold, etc. etc. But at least we have a fun Easter game to play :)
Happy Easter Week! Hope it is a fun one!

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  1. This is super cute and fun and educational, how about that for one game! Plus nice Easter-theme, love it, you have so many fun ideas and I appreciate you sharing them.

  2. This is fun, cute, and educational, how's that for one game! Plus Easter-themed! Nice. You have so many cool ideas and I love that you share them, thanks!

  3. Cute game idea! Where did you get that darling bib on your baby in the background??? Will you be doing a giveaway for one soon???? :)

  4. That is so fun! Can't wait to try it! =) Thanks!

  5. This is PERFECT for me!!! My son told me a few hours ago that he wanted to play Don't Eat Pete for family night tonight. My initial thought was, "uhh, ok, but I wish we had something more Easterish to play." Do you have any other suggestions for family night games that can be played with small children and for only a few minutes if they need to get to bed? Thanks sooooo much!

  6. I love this idea!!! This is something I think even my younger children would enjoy! I'm definitely trying it out. I love the versatility of it, too! Always good to get more mileage out of one thing. Great idea!

  7. I love that you had to post a disclaimer about shouting. Funny how some kids get freaked out by noise!

    I'm pretty sure my kids would love this game.

  8. I LOVE it! I made an animal version of "Don't Eat Pete" for family for Christmas, but I think I'll share this Easter version with them as well. As always, you're so clever!

  9. Sweet idea. I'd never heard of the game. We're going to do this as a family this week. I'll be changing it slightly so it goes along with our Preschool Egg Theme for the month.

  10. LOVE IT !! Thanks for this! I already printed some off for our Easter party in preschool:)

  11. i love this idea and am printing it out! thank you so much for taking the time to create it and for sharing it with all of us.

  12. We played this game tonight and my kids loved it! We were able to work on patience, colors and best of all, laughing together! Thank you so much for the time you put into this! It is much appreciated!

  13. thanks for taking the time to post this! we love this game at our house so this variation will be fun - thanks again!

  14. This was a huge hit today at preschool!!! I gave a copy to each of my kids to take home and play with their family. Using jelly beans may have been a bad idea though, s they were hard to eat. M&Ms or fish crackers may have worked better:) Thanks again for doing this for us:) You're the best!!!

  15. You are amazing Sharla! Such great ideas! I'm definitely going to make one of these up tonight...Abby will have a blast! Thanks so much for sharing!

  16. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [02 Apr 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  17. We love playing don't eat Pete, we have a really old copy of it that we lamanated and the kids loved playing it on Easter. This Peep version is sooooo cute. Thank you!!

  18. Thank you so much! I have this pinned. My kids will LOVE this! I really appreciate you sharing it.

  19. Yes! Love seeing your kids play it. And we've been there with our fair share of scares over the years. :/ Some kids seem to think it's so fun to scream while others jump and do NOT like the noise at all. And I love the variations too. Awesome!


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