
Monday, March 22, 2010

How "Boys" pretend play in the kitchen

In case you are wondering how a little boy (ages 2-4) would play with a play is the actual run down of how they do it.
And it is so different from a girl- of that I am sure.

The bring in their pirate toys, blocks, legos, and robot toys all placed on their Tool Bench which they move right next to the play kitchen- just in case they need to build something instead of bake something....

They bake up CAR MUFFINS
which are delicious by the way....

The make sure army guys are guarding the raisins and salt and pepper, and just in case the army guys need help, they place a "knife" (it's plastic people) next to them...

They make baseball soup too.

And if you take a peek in the oven, this is what you will see.

So if you still think kitchens aren't for girls...think again. I used to think that too. But I have realized that imagination/pretend play is for all children.

And it is just a kitchen. Not a make-up vanity people.
They didn't even want a kitchen- I did. It will make a great addition to my pre-school room :) Plus it is cute and I needed some cuteness around here. :)

We play restaurant with the kitchen mostly. And dinosaurs. And cars. And racetrack. That is boys for you and I just love them! Even it it means lots of cars, airplanes, helicopters, dinosaurs, army guys, dirt, mud...and an occasional play kitchen- because mommy needed one you know.


  1. Too funny!

    My three year old son has a few kitchen sets (two in our house, and one in his playhouse:

    And he plays with them quite a bit! He pretends he's running a restaurant and takes our orders or that he's cooking me dinner or breakfast! It's fun for him, and hey - guys cook, too, right?!?

    I'm glad to see they're making more gender-neutral kitchen sets these days! Because YES, boys, too, like to emulate mom and dad in their play kitchens!


  2. Very well said Judy! And have I told you how much I love your playhouse?? I think I have but I'll tell you again.
    It is the best :)
    And yes boys cook too. Most chefs are men. and... Everyone has to eat :)

    Jill- boys totally crack me up too :) love them for that.

  3. That made me chuckle because it's the same way in our house. Except my son likes to feed a baby doll and then put her in the oven, along with his cars and hammers.

  4. Ha! Boys are so fun. My little guy is only one, but I look forward to more stuff like this!! The muffins are my favorite part! Cute, cute!

  5. Oh yes...our kitchen has cars in it too :). My youngest likes to use the pretend fridge as a REAL one. We have found nasty milk sippys in there too many times.

  6. That is AWESOME... I love the army guys guarding the salt and pepper!

    I got my 2 year a tool bench for his birthday and all he does is pretend to cook at it... I kinda wish I got him a kitchen now. I know he would have loved to make some Baseball soup! :)

  7. Hahaha. Looks like our play kitchen:) Boys have different ideas than girls- that's for sure:)

  8. So cute! I'm worried my boys will really play kitchen when we get ours. Sam LOVES to help bake and create. Maybe he'll be a great chef someday - they're usually guys, right?!


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