
Friday, March 5, 2010

Where I Live

I took this photo yesterday. It was about 70 degrees. I always laugh when I see signs like this, because almost all of the time, there is no ice. There is no snow.  Maybe one day out of 365- actually 2 days in the past 4 years there was snow on the ground- and it melted within an hour.  But I'm from Utah. And although I miss snowboarding, and the fresh white snow for the holidays,  I don't miss driving in the snow at all. ☻

Sorry if you are in the midst of "Spring Snow" right now....enjoy it for what it is.

My kids have never built a snowman. My kids have only seen snow on the mountain tops. Maybe they'll just grow-up swimming and playing tennis and golf. Maybe someday we'll live where it rains most of the year.
So for now, I'll enjoy my brown desert and sunshine- even if it turns into over 100 degrees for most of the year-in a few months.

So if you live in a cold wet place right now, just remember Spring is around the corner- and guess what- you can go outside all summer long!! (We can't where I live...)

***FAVORITE THINGS give-a-way for my readers and followers starts on MONDAY- woot! woot! Just a little fun and a spring gift for you for being so nice. ***


  1. Ha! Wait. Where in AZ do you live? I'm from the metro, but goodness, I've never come across one of these! (See 'em all the time in KS now- not my favorite sign, for sure.) Are you up north or something?

  2. That is a classic AZ picture! I am from there and now I live in Utah so this post was really fun for me to read. I dreamed of white Christmases as a child and I relish them now, but sometimes I still miss the spring like weather in December.

  3. Christina, No we live South- way south- Tucson area. I see these signs all the time here and it cracks me up. We have cooler weather than the PHX area but only by about 10 degrees. :) Thanks for leaving a comment!

  4. Hahaha, I love this:) Too funny! I totally hear what you are saying about driving in snow! So glad I haven't had to this year and that Keith doesn't have to be the only person on the icy roads at 5:00 in the morning:)

  5. That is so funny. The snow wasn't bad today since I didn't ahve to go out in it. But I can't wait for spring.

  6. I laugh at these signs, too! I live in Central Texas and we probably get about the same amount of snow and ice you do...almost none!! We did have one big snow day this year, just a week ago. It was so fun, but of course it didn't stick and there were no icy roads.


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