
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Arizona Bloggers Tour De Thrift

O.K. Arizona  Blogger Peeps who ♥ is an event you will not want to miss! Cute as A Fox and Aly & Ash are throwing a Goodwill Party with all kinds of sponsors and fun! I so wish I could go...but we are moving at the same time :( and I'm pretty sure I could blow our moving budget with some Goodwill yeah, issues. But let me just tell you, I bought my first piece of furniture from D.I. (Utah's Goodwill) back in the 90's refinished it, used it for years, and now it is in my boy's room. That is a story for another post. :) AND wait until you see my desk- that is just about finished!! I just L♥VE some Goodwill finds.

 So do you need a little Goodwill fix? Check out the details here. The event is June 19th!! Oh the fun! It is in Phoenix/Chandler area. Check it out-- I can't wait to hear how it went :) Wish me luck on the big-fat-move :) maybe I can sneak away and attend this....maybe. :)
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