
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fabric Tic-Tac-Toe Game {Tutorial}

I started this back in March, but finally finished it. This is a fun way to teach your children tic-tac-toe- a great game for pre-schoolers- since it introduces things like patterns, strategy, while having fun at the same time.
(please let me know if you have any questions- as I wrote this really late at night- and I'm sure my brain was rather tired....:))

Supplies for Fabric Tic-Tac-Toe:
2 large squares of 2 different fabrics (I made mine 14 by 14 inches)
scraps cut into 2  or 2 1/2 inch strips for the lines
scraps for the x's and o's
Light batting (I used warm-n-natural)

After you have your two 14 by 14 inch squares (you can use any size), iron your long strips as shown in the photo. Measure where you want then to be sewn to form a tic-tac-toe square.

Pin on, spacing evenly and sew close to the edge on both edges of each line. You can leave the raw edges alone on the short ends. When sewing the two pieces together, you will catch these ends in the seam.

The above photo shows the raw edges of the board. The tic-tac-toe lines are left unsewn. Trim them so they are the same length as the board. Now you are ready to sew both pieces together and complete your board.

 If you want to use batting, cut it the same size as your board size. (14 by 14 inches)
Put right sides together, and the batting next to the wrong side of one of the board sides. Sew 1/4 inch around the entire thing, leaving an opening to turn right side out.
Trim threads, turn and press.
Top-stitch around the entire board about 1/4 inch or less from the edge.

Now your board is complete!

You can use anything for your x's and o's- craft foam, felt, cardboard, chipboard, anything. :) I used fabric.

My son helped me make the x's and o's. I cut a long strip for the x's and cut pieces into 4 inch strips. I did the same with the batting. Then I sewed the batting in between two layers of fabric, and crossed two of these together to form an X. I sewed right in the middle of these two to make the X.

For the O we traced a cup and cut out the circles. We sandwiched the batting between two pieces of fabric, and I sewed around it.

Since it is two sided, you can play tic-tac-toe on either side. (just adds a little variety for the little ones ;))

You are now ready to play tic-tac-toe. Want to take it somewhere- a road trip, a doctor's office?

Just fold in half with the letters in the middle, roll it up, and tie it with a ribbon or scrap of fabric. Now you can throw it in your bag and take it with you.

Happy Sewing!
Thanks for reading!
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