
Monday, May 3, 2010

Winner! Winner! Make A Hungry Girl Recipe for Dinner :)

I know you can't believe it! I am announcing a winner already-usually it takes me like forever.

The winner was #65 according to
And it was
CAS who said:
Gotta love hungry girl...can't wait to see the new book!

CAS email me (under contact on top) and I will get you your new cookbook!

THANK YOU to everyone who left a comment and entered!

AND to everyone else that wants to try the cookbook- check out your local Costco-where I got mine for around $10.
Want to try Hungry Girl before buying the book? Sign up for the emails at and get free recipes.

{You should know I was not getting paid to do this. I truly love Hungry Girl. What can I say- she is a girl after my own heart- loves to eat and create yummy food without the high calories and fat. And she does just that. Combines low cal-high taste foods. And if you are like me, you can adapt or tweak the recipes slightly to work for you entire family. So go take a look at it and see if it is something that might work for you. }

Thanks for reading!

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