
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

WINNERS of Glossy Bands by Klutz Books

Thank you to everyone who entered the Klutz Books Give-a-way for their new book, Glossy Bands.
And those of you that didn't... you are missing out :) But you can purchase the book - as it was released yesterday-(about $19.95) And I recommend it if you have a house full of is a great summer activity!

You will need to email me your contact information so I can get your book sent to you! (see contact tab at the top)

MELISSA who said: My dd just discovered her Klutz book on How to Crochet Jewlery this week. She's been making rings and bracelets galore. She would LOVE this! :)

LAURA who said: Thats great! We are always looking for fun stuff

KRISTIE who said: my daughter would love this.

You will each receive a copy of the book Glossy Bands! Congrats!

Thanks for reading!

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  1. I just did a tute on the easy baby bib tute. I actually made it from copying my friend but then I found your tute and linked to you as well on my blog. Thanks!

  2. Sharla, Cody said you were wondering if that laura who won was me. I don't think so. I don't remember saying that. Dang. It would have been fun. Maybe i'll get it for Mariah anyway :)

  3. Thanks so much!! Daughter WILL love this, lol

  4. Holy Cow! I've never won anything in my life!!! :) I wonder if I'm too late... I'll try contacting you! :)

  5. So, I can't find your contact tab... it is invisible! (actually, when I load the page I can see them, then they disappear... cue twilight music)

    I'm find-able at melissa at the-austins dot com :)


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