
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Chicken Caesar Salad Pizza

When I started this blog- a few years ago- I posted this- but without the recipe! Duh...of course you want the recipe. ☻
I have been making this for about a decade, and we love it- especially in the summer- it is really delicious.
Chicken Caesar Salad Pizza:

Pizza Dough:
I use Rhodes rolls, homemade dough, or Trader Joe's dough. For the one pictured, I used Trader Joe's.
Spray your pizza pan, and roll out your dough. Bake according to the directions for about 5-7 minutes. (about 1/3 of the time on  the packaging/recipe)
ADD: Ranch or Creamy Caesar Dressing (whatever amount you like)
Top with Cheese-a combination of a few different cheeses is the best, but use whatever you like.
Add pre-cooked chicken. I use about 1-2 chicken breasts, cooked in the microwave or on boiled on the stove top and shredded or cut up.
BAKE for the remainder of the time, until the dough is baked, and the cheese is melted.
Top with romaine lettuce, sliced tomatoes, avocado, or whatever you like.

If you want to add more dressing, top it off with a little dressing.

Refrigerate any leftovers. It works best to keep the lettuce and tomato, etc. separate from the crust.

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  1. YUM! I'm totally making this for our family this week! Simple, brilliant!

  2. That sounds and looks GREAT! :)

  3. Sharla, this look delicious! I just found your blog as I had forgotten the name after the Tour De Thrift. So glad I found it your blog is lovely!

  4. Looks way yummy! I'll bet I could do a whole wheat dough.

  5. looks delish! i'm gonna have to give it a try :)

  6. i've included this in my weekly inspiration roundup, blogged here:

  7. That is brilliant! I'm drooling a bit here! :)


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