
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Feature Friday: Alison from Oopsey Daisy

I am so excited to feature Alison from Oopsey Daisy today! She has an adorable blog with darling projects....and since she was a 1st grade teacher once, and so was I... I feel a "crafty teacher" connection...:) Here she is....

I am so excited to be a guest today on Sharla's amazing blog!!  Sharla's projects always inspire me, and I love that she shares so many ideas for mom's of little boys!  I have been a long-time follower of My Little Gems!

I am Alison, the crazy lady behind Oopsey Daisy.  Once upon a time, I was a first grade teacher.  Now I am a stay-at-home Mom, and I love to make things for the people I love.  This is where I find my inspiration:
I am lucky to be married to a wonderful man who lets me go craft-crazy!  And my 18-month-old Little Man inspires a lot of creativity.  He keeps me insanely busy so I relish any time he's sleeping.  Naptime and bedtime are craft time at my house.

I make lots of messes, pull out lots of stitches, and "Oopsey Daisy" is the name of my game! Here is just a snippet of what you might find on my blog:

Quiet book ideas like this Mr. Potato Head

Fun and festive recipes like these red, white, and blue strawberries (Perfect to celebrate America all month long!)

EASY sewing projects like this denim ruffled table runner

Fun learning activities for kids, like this Old McDonald barn and animals

Simple decor projects like these number placemats

Free printable activities like this Chicka Chicka Boom Boom file folder game (I try to offer a freebie every Friday!)

Fun birthday party ideas like this Cowboy Birthday Party

Did you enjoy your own personal tour?  I hope so!  Oh man, that was fun!  Sharla, thanks a bunch for letting me skip over to your blog for a day.  I hope you will join me for more Oopsey Daisy fun.  Every day is an adventure!  Come by and say hello!  

Make sure to check out Oopsey Daisy for lots of amazing and fun projects! Thanks Alison!

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