
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Give-a-way! DVD Collection from Best of the Fest

This is a GREAT give-a-way that I am really excited to offer you! A few months ago the Best of the Fest contacted me about reviewing their great DVD collections. We viewed the Family collection and loved it!

 If you are wondering where all the good movies have gone, this is for you. :) If you want life changing movies from the best Film Festivals around the world- this is for you! The Best of the Fest offers all different kinds of DVD collections -from Kids, Family, Inspirational, Chick-Flicks, and the list goes on. There are 10 different gift sets that contain anywhere from 10-20 movies- from short films to full-length.

(Retail value is 44.99 for one gift set. You can order one from the website with free shipping!)

Want to win one?

Here is what you do: Visit BestoftheFest and view their different gift sets.

Leave a comment -and let me know which collection looks the most interesting to you.

Want extra entries? Become a Follower of My Little Gems. :)

Good Luck! The give-a-way is open until MONDAY July 26th,  at 10:00 p.m. PST.

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  1. Hi Sharla!
    I'm a follower of your blog. I'm excited to have the chance of winning the family gift set. I havent heard of those film in set but they sound very good for my homeschooling family. I don't think we can get those here in our area. So I'm taking the chance. Thanks for this exciting giveaway.


    P.S. I'm also having a giveaway. Please visit when you have time.

  2. They all look great, I think I would enjoy most of them, but the one that stuck out is their KIDS one. I'm sure my boys would love it!

    oh, and of course, I'm a follower!

  3. They all look so fun. I think we would really enjoy the Kids set. I know my girls would like it.

  4. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [22 Jul 12:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  5. So cool. Great give-away. That is a tough choice. I think I would want the family or kids option.

  6. The kid one would definetly go over well at my home

    thanks for the opportunity to win stuff

  7. I would definitely choose the kids one. It's nice to watch something together!

  8. Hard choice but I decided on the inspirational collection.

  9. I didn't even know these existed! Sounds like fun! I think the kids one would be most interesting.

    Thanks for a fun give away!

  10. Do we need to make a separate comment saying we're a follower for the extra entry?

    All the gift sets sound good, but I think I would choose the Inspire one.

  11. How neat! I would have to say the family one. As a family of 7, we need things we can watch together!

  12. Definitely the Chick Flicks! I would have a ladies night in!

  13. One word: Kids! Isn't it all about them now anyway?

  14. Hi There!

    Very oool give away. All of the gift sets look interesting but I would have to go with the Kid or Family set....or (look how indecisive I am) the Real People set.

  15. I love your blog. So sad that you are not going to be posting as often, but can TOTALLY understand why. I think this give away is great... I thought that the "Best Films for Kids" set was the best looking myself. I always look for new flicks that my kidos can watch but that I can also watch without going insane. ;)

  16. Sharla, hey. I'm so glad I stumbled onto your blog, Nate and I love indy films and stuff so this is totally up our alley, we're going to have to check some of these out for ourselves. I'll probably start with The "Award-Winning Films that will make you laugh" one, it looks fun.

  17. Sharla, hey. I'm so glad I stumbled onto your blog, Nate and I love indy films and stuff so this is totally up our alley, we're going to have to check some of these out for ourselves. I'll probably start with The "Award-Winning Films that will make you laugh" one, it looks fun.

  18. I'd love the kids, family, or inspire set. Thanks for the giveaway.


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