
Monday, July 19, 2010

Kids Crafts: Water Noodle Lacing & Pattern Practice

Here is today's kids craft... (still trying to post one each Monday :))
I am certain I saw something similiar to this on a blog last year...forgive me for not telling you where/when- I can't remember...

This is a great activity for pre-schoolers and even kindergarteners. In fact, it is going to be one of my centers in pre-school this year :)
It is a great way to practice patterns.

Purchase some water noodles- I got mine at Target for about 75 cents each on clearance- in the dollar section. These are the same water noodles we used for the car racetrack.
Cut them up with your kitchen knife on a cutting board.
Buy some cording- I got mine at Wal-mart for about a dollar a yard. Tape the ends really well with clear packing tape so that they don't unravel and so that little hands can handle the cording easily. You could also use shoe laces for lacing.

To secure the end, I tied one water noodle piece right to the end of the cording so that they didn't fall off the end. ( you can probably see in the next picture)
Get to work making your patterns.
With my youngest son, I helped him at first, and then he caught right on and did it by himself.

My boys suddenly had new toy snakes to play with! And oh what fun they had- and are still having!
Have fun!
( p.s.I have a tutorial and a give-a-way coming this week for you :))
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  1. Brilliant!! Both the "beads" and the snakes!!

  2. What a fun idea. Thanks for sharing it with us

  3. You have the most fun ideas for kids! Your kids surely must know you are the coolest mom. :)

  4. Just stopped by from TEACH preschool. Wow, love this idea. I'm excited to buy some pool noodles!

  5. What a fun idea! I am going to have to pick some up at the end of summer when I find them on clearance! It will be fun when I am trying to keep preschoolers busy!

  6. PS - I am going to feature this on my blog tomorrow!!

  7. Cool! I'm going to do this one for sure!

  8. What a wonderful idea - will need to create this for my students! Thanks :)

  9. OH MY! I love this!!! I am soooo making these for my kiddos! What did you use to cut them soo nice? I will reference you when I make it! Thanks!

  10. I've had this on my "to do" list all summer and never got to it. =( I was thrilled when I saw them at B's preschool open house yesterday! I'm going to post about them today and link to you. I'm hoping it is ok if I use your picture???

  11. I can't wait to find some pool noodles on clearance (might be a few months lol) and do this. Think my child will love it. I LOVE your ideas/blog!!@!!


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