
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fabric Book Pocket/Sling {Fabric Book Holder} Tutorial

I needed a solution to the never-ending pile of books on the top bunk bed. Let's face it, I am not climbing up there everyday, and therefore, books were piling up- up there.
Here is my solution- a fabric book sling pocket thing!
I saw a similar idea in Family Fun magazine. And if you don't subscribe to Family Fun, you really really should! (I mention it so much on here, they should pay me! ha ha ha)

I made my pocket kind of deep so the books don't show unless they are really big books. You can make yours as deep as you wish. We used 2 U-shaped curtain rods-because these are very inexpensive. You can see here- how it looks with the rods and with things in it.
If you use these rods please note: I used 2 sets- a part from the set from Target and a part from the set from Walmart- both will run you about $3-4 dollars. The reason I did this is because one set  from one particular store did not have enough space in between the two rods. You have to make sure your rods have enough space between them for putting books in and out of this opening. This is the reason I used a set of rods from Walmart, and a set from Target- to get two different sized rods with enough space between them for books.

you will need:
2 pieces of fabric 45 inches wide, and 30 inches long- if you want your books to show make it about 25 inches long instead.
2 long strips of heavy interfacing
thread/sewing machine
an iron
2- u-shaped curtain rods or 2 double curtain rods (or holders and dowels that fit)

1. On the shorter ends of one piece of fabric, iron on the interfacing across each end. This is where you will make a casing later.
2. NEXT with right sides together,  sew the two pieces of fabric together, leaving an opening to you can turn it right side out. It is a good idea to pin the fabrics together when you do this.
3. Turn the fabrics right side out and press.
4. On the shorter ends, fold the fabric over to make a casing. The size of your casing will depend on the rods you are using. I made my casing just over an inch wide, and my rods were about a 1/2 inch in width. Press this and then sew along the long edge only.
5. When your casing is finished, fold your fabric in half so that both casings are lined up. Press and iron well.
6. Now you are ready to hang up your book pocket with your curtain rods.
When your rod brackets are hung, thread the rods through the casing of your book pocket, and you are done! Hang it up and fill it with books!

I plan to make more of these, so I will try to get a better tute w/ photos. It was pretty easy, so hopefully the above instructions will help you out if want to make one. Let me know if you have any questions and happy sewing and happy reading!

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  1. Seen the article in Family Fun and we're going to be making one too! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Now this is a really awesome idea. I love it and I know my grandkids will too! Thanks for sharing!

  3. do you have to do the interfacing...just wondering

  4. do you think you have to use interfacing?

  5. Hi- You probably don't have to use interfacing if you use the two fabrics. The interfacing helps keep your casing part stiff and probably helps it not slide around. I'm sure it would work fine without it, but better with it. It only took about 4 inches of interfacing total for the one pictured. Happ Sewing!

  6. This is absolutely amazing! What a great idea. You never cease to amaze me with your cleverness! Thanks for the tutorial!

  7. Hi Sharla, I love this tutorial. I feel your pain when it comes to books all over the top bunk. Ugh! This is a great idea. I am totally making one. I also was wondering if I could feature you on me and my sisters' blog I would love to share it over there. Thanks!

  8. Hi Liz- of course you can feature this :) just link it all back to my blog :) and thanks for asking. Just a note: don't overload this with books. My son put so many books in his, we had to re-hang it:) like it isn't meant to hold say...50 books :) ha ha

  9. thanks for this tutorial, what a great idea! I'm thinking I could make one and put fabric or card-making stuff in it...

  10. Wow, thanks for the fabulous idea! I was trying to come up with something for my two in bunks! This might just work for us!!

  11. Just came across your blog -- LOVE this idea! We don't have bunk beds...yet, but will soon, and I will be making one of these!! Thanks for the tute!


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